São Miguel Terceira FaialWhether you are a lover of quiet walks or an adrenalin junkie, the Azores have more than 60 hiking trails with all the conditions for walking safely.
Venture out and discover unique landscapes between paths totally wrapped in Nature.
The Azores Trails are a network of footpaths classified by the Regional Government of the Azores to ensure the safety and tranquillity of the walkers. Divided into three levels of difficulty - easy, medium and hard - the network is suitable for various ages and levels of fitness. Many of the classified footpaths take advantage of the single tracks that people have used for centuries for day-to-day travel, carrying goods and moving cattle.
This ancestral wisdom in creating short cuts across the territory is now exploited by tourists to get to know the different perspectives and details of the Azores Iislands’ scenic treasures, since they link almost every corner of each island, both by the seashore and in the mountains.
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Other Experiences
Parque Terra Nostra
Parque Terra Nostra is a world reference for plant lovers and has already been awarded by Condé Nast Traveller in the category of "Best Green Retreats."
Whale Watching
The Azores, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is an archipelago of nine islands showing nature in its purest state, and one of the largest whale sanctuaries in the world.
Imagine a place where whale sharks swim through crystal clear waters beneath you, dozens of devil rays swoop above, and curious blue sharks and huge pelagic fish explore the water with you.